I Want to Edit Or Cancel My Order
Unfortunately, we are unable to cancel or make any changes to your order once it has been placed, this includes, but not limited to:
However if you would no longer wish to keep your order ,you are able to return your order after it has been delivered by clicking Returns and Refunds to review our return policy and make a return.
Can I Change The Shipping Address For My Order?
We will be pleased to modify your order's shipping address! Please contact our Customer Service to submit your updated address ASAP, as we are only able to make changes to your order if it has not yet entered the packing process.
We are unable to change address with the courier once the order has been packaged, but you might be able to do so by getting in touch with the courier directly. Please wait until you receive your tracking email if your purchase has not shipped yet so you can give the courier the tracking number and they might be able to change this for you. If your order has shipped, please contact the courier directly ASAP as they may be able to assist.
Additionally, we are unable to switch your shipping address from a domestic Jordan address to an international location or vice versa. Please be aware that during times of high order volume, such as launches and promotions, adjustments to your order can be restricted.
Can I Change The Billing Address For My Order?
We regretfully cannot alter the billing address once an order has been placed. Do not worry! As long as your shipping address is correct, you can receive your product!
Can I Change The Email Address To My Order?
Yes! To have the modifications made for you, get in touch with our Customer Service team by filling out a form with the updated email address. We can resend your order confirmation and/or shipment confirmation emails to the updated address.
I received a wrong order
We sincerely apologize if you receive an incorrect order. Please Contact our Customer Service team within 3 days of delivery by filling a form with a description of your problem along with your order number and pictures of the following:
*If some products are missing or received incorrect products, please list the missing product(s) in the Description field in the form.
*We do our best to respond within 48 business hours (business hours do not include weekends or holidays)
**Discontinued products will be issued store credit for the amount paid.
I Received Broken Product(S) In My Order.
While we always try to deliver your product to you in great condition, occasionally errors do occur. Our customers’ report that around 1 in 1000 products arrives damaged due to mail service mistreatment.
Please Contact our Customer Service team within 3 days of delivery by filling a form with a description of your problem along with your order number and pictures of the following:
Why Do My Products Arrive Separately?
You may have noticed that we provide different tracking ids for each product, if you have ordered more than one product from our store. If this happens please do not worry, the remainder of the products in your order will arrive shortly afterwards.
This is because we may ship out your product from separate warehouses across the country depending on availability and shipping speed to your country. Additionally, due to your country's restrictions on packet size, we might possibly ship out individual products.
If a product is in demand and has a slight backorder, we may send your products separately and in separate packages to avoid holding up your order and to ensure that it reaches you as soon as possible.
In your Wesstbury Account, you can keep an eye on the status of your orders. Your order will display the status "Partially Fulfilled" if it is a split shipment and products may be delivered separately.
There is no need to contact our support team at this time because this is quite normal. However, if you encounter substantial delays we will, of course, be available to assist you.
Important To Know
Wesstbury is not responsible for orders delivered to an incorrect address. We cannot be held accountable if the order goes missing, meaning we are not liable to refund/replace this order.
All claims for orders arriving with missing/wrong products must be made within 3 days of the delivery date.
Please check and ensure that your correct address is listed on your Wesstbury account. Click or hover over your account and then click MY INFO. Once you are on that page, scroll down to ADDRESSES and make sure to make corrections to existing addresses and/or delete old addresses.
More Questions?
Please contact Wesstbury Customer Service.